Thursday, February 25, 2010

Concert Post 5 The Shibs Feb 6th, 2010 Lucky's Bar and Grill

So I went to play music and a hockey fight broke out...

Well close.  First a quick note, I have been dealing with all types of crap in the life and haven't had time to write.  I know, don't apologize in a blog... but then again you should be thanking me for not filling your personal life with my warped ramblings.  Don't worry blog fan ("fans" if someone else is drunk and clicked the wrong link finding themselves here)... I have all the gigs that have been played on record and will be bloggin my way back to you babe (breaks out in song). *cough* Ok back to it.

Ahh Lucky's.  What a great name for a place that has seen no luck at all.  At this location, I have defeated the Cobra Kai, who tried to steal my camera all while punching Ryan's wife on Halloween, had people fall into the equipment, had drunken college students chanting my name.. You get the picture.   If you don't.. imagine Bob's Country Bunker from the Blues Brothers.... Only no chicken wire, college students, and no Bob.  Hell it's nothing like that now that I write this.

Well Lucky for the Shibs, we had the outdoor hockey game at Camp Randall to fill the bar for us.  Let me paint a picture for you.  Take 45 people who never go out, give them a reason to try and sneak booze into an event, put that event in 2 degree weather so you HAVE to consume to be outside in it, let them drink for oh 5 hours, then stuff them in an elevator where you only funnel in limited amounts of said booze to keep them placated.  Hey let's add a band to that mix. Why not?!?

Walking in the door I was greeted by a guy that threaten to beat me down if I didn't show ID.  No, he didn't work at Lucky's, but he thought that his day-glo camo would surely qualify him as a Lucky's employee.  Umm no.  The bonus was I got a buzz off of his breath so I saved some dinero on the first round.  Needless to say the "gathering" was nun too welcome to having us play in the ol Elevator.  They would much rather stand, drink, and regale how cool they are that they are 45, drunk, and don't know their own names.

Set-up was an adventure, and once we finally got locked and loaded the songs started to flow.  One thing about playing for a mess of intoxicated people, they love them some music.  The Shib faithful were out as well, adding to the sweet aroma of booze infused B.O. and perfume soaked college women.  The music flowed well, and all were approving of the vibe.  Interesting moment of the night?  Drunk college student hitting on a MILF.  She was mostly plowed but damn... he was wiped.  What would he have done if he would have gotten her home.  He couldn't get his arm up to dance never mind his well umm you get the picture.

In the end, an overall average Lucky's gig.  No one got stabbed, no major fights, and we even sold a couple of CD's.  I'm off to rock out some Spice Gurls and maybe write another one of these things... or not.

Til next time....

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Concer Post 4: Mr. Breeze Jan 23, 2010 Lake Ripley Lanes, Cambridge WI

What does a hooker, a lesbian penguine, some herion, the pope, and 4 live chickens have in common?  Well, Nothing.  But it made you think there was, and now for some other incoherent thoughts, brought to you by your resident Harmonica player.  Who else would be writing this?  Wait.  Don't answer that.

Tonight's adventure was just that.  The wife and I tend to be the kind of people that will set off in a direction, visit some establishments, and then wander back.  Unlike the majority of the and/or significant other couple combinations we know of, we have always had fun together.  To the point that we do random wild crap on the few nights of the year that we have nothing planned.  We actually never have a down night, but when we do, they usually end up like Pee Wee looking for his bike.  Going all over no where and ending up somewhere.  Now that the "Day's of Our Lives" portion is over, we can get on with the show review and my odd ball take on things.

On this particular eve, we found ourselves wanting to go back to our old "haunt" in Rockdale.  Heather's bar and Grill has faithfully served the sauce to yours truely since he brought his first home just a block away.  The place is literally another home to me, and there is just something to be said about a sweet neighborhood bar, stocked with locals, that all just enjoy being around each other.  Additionally, Mr. Breeze, a cover band outfit that I had initially ran into at Heathers, was playing in near-by Cambridge.

Over the years I have gotten to know these guys from various run-ins here and there.  Shooting a wedding they were part of, shooting some pool with Shannon, shooting the shit here and there.  Basically anything dealing with shooting we were associated with one way or another.  Admittingly, I am closer to both James and Shannon than the remainder of the band, but I'm never one to shy away from stuffing some duckets in the bucket of any establishment that will support live music.  More on that in another post.

After doing some troubleshooting with Marty, and Catfish Kenny, we were able to get some sound issues shook out, and Marty had asked if I had the harps with me.  Like a ADHD 2 year old hopped up on snickers bars, red bull, and a spritzer of Pepsi, they are forever just an arm-lengths away from my proxmitiy.  So what I am saying is I might be able to drum up a harp or two.

Mid-way through a shuffleboard game, Marty asked over the PA if I would roll up for some Doors.  Why, I would never support such heathen music.  Wait... I can't even type that. I'm laughing too hard.  Marty and I traded licks like Jim Morrison traded women in the post show lobby.  Each of us adding our own thoughts to our interpretation of what was going on, all the while stunned that Jim (Morrison) was getting all the chicks.  {I've long gotten over the fact that Harmonica guys are not sexy... and I'm very luckly taken.  Can you imagine the crap my wife puts up with...}

The guys in the band have come a long way since the first time I had seen them, and the miles traveled surely show.  Their sound is growing tighter, the riffs come out cleaner, and the vocals have been cleaned up over the years.  Looking for that great "party" band to head out too?  Mr. Breeze is where you need to be.  Keep your eyes open for a chance to catch them, and their ever growing loyal following the next time you are wandering about the land.

For more reading, tune in next week.  The Shibs are on course to rock out at Lucky's on Feb 6th.  Always an interesting time...

Til then...